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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happened to War Unfinished & War Unjust?

War Unfinished is republished as The Taste of Revenge & The Foiled Plan

War Unjust is republished as The Prodigal Son & The Counterfeit Lover

  • When will War Profane release?

War Profane is republished as The Sins of Noelle and The Moral Dilemma. The books was released at the end of 2023.

  • How many books will there be in the War of Sins series?

Five books & Prequel:

1. The Taste of Revenge

2. The Foiled Plan

3. The Prodigal Son (Prequel)

4. The Counterfeit Lover

5. The Sins of Noelle

6. The Moral Dilemma

The Moral Dilemma concludes the story arc of Raf & Noelle

  • What about Michele and his “pet”?

Their story will continue in a trilogy after The Moral Dilemma concludes.

  • When will Michele’s trilogy be released?

I am not sure, but I’m hoping the first book will be out in 2025. I will provide more info when I’ve finished writing the first book.

  • Will there be a Fairydale sequel? When will it be released?

Yes, I’d love to. But I cannot say for sure when I will get to it considering the projects I have ongoing right now. Don’t worry though, the characters might return in crossovers since The Wishing Game series takes place in the same universe.

  • When will Catharsis be released?

I am not sure. I have the trilogy planned, but honestly it’s just not speaking to me at the moment. The Catharsis world will, however, cross with The Wishing Game universe and Fairydale, so the lore & world building will continue there.

  • When will The Wishing Game be released?

The first book of the series will be released in 2024.

  • What are your confirmed future projects aside?

  1. The Wishing Game (trilogy)

  2. Barbi & The Villain (trilogy)

  3. Mayhem & Minnie (trilogy)

  4. Of Songs & Sorrows (duet)

  5. Catharsis (trilogy)

  6. Michele’s Story (trilogy)

*As you all know, I am a full time doctoral student, which means that my upcoming schedule can change at any time since I am juggling both writing and studying. I will do my best to get these books to you in a timely manner, but please understand that I am not that fast.

**If you have a question that is not answered here, please email me at info@veronicalancet.com and I will make sure to get it answered for you to the best of my ability.